Mandarin Chinese Translation Services

          o Did you know that 900 to 1200 million people speak chinese?
          o Mandarin as a separate language is most widely spoken language
          o Reasons to communicate in Mandarin?

Did You Know That 900 to 1200 Million People Speak Chinese?

Chinese Translations are also available through our website!

Children playing in ChinaWere you aware that more than 20% of the people in the world speak chinese? China is one of the most important markets in the world today. Several companies import from China or export their products to this country. The result is that the need for Chinese translation has increased exponentially and today it is one of the most popular translation services available.

Mandarin as a separate language is most widely spoken language

In spite of the fact that the Chinese language is composed of several major dialects (Mandarin, Yue, Min, Wu, Xiang, Gan, Hakka...), Mandarin is spoken by over 70% of the population.

Children playing in ChinaIt is no secret that China has become extremely influential in the global economic, financial and political arenas and its cultural heritage dates back 6000 years, while its influence goes even beyond our recognition (paper, movable type printing, compass, gunpowder, toilet paper, matches...).

Almost every company in today's world deals in one way or another with China or its citizens abroad. And for the Chinese, Mandarin is still their main language, even if they have lived in other countries for ages.

Reasons to communicate in Mandarin?

For all those reasons, we offer you (Mandarin) Chinese translation and interpretation services.

Our Mandarin interpreters and translators are native speakers very familiar with different business backgrounds.

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