Effective Verbal Communication

          o Simultaneous Interpretation - Materials for Interpreters
          o Effective communication between the speaker and the audience
          o Provide in advance the documentation or audiovisual materials
          o Videos and documentaries

Simultaneous Interpretation - Materials for Interpreters

Effective verbal communication in courses, seminars, conferences and workshops, largely depends on the coordination established between the event planner and the simultaneous interpretation services.

The materials for the interpreters are a key element to achieve a successful verbal communication during international events that require simultaneous translation or interpretation services.

Effective communication between the speaker and the audience

Professional conference speakerAs interpretation and translation professionals, our key objective is the effective verbal communication between the speaker and the participants in your event. For this reason, it would be very useful if the organizers of the event could prepare for us a materials package.

If the interpreters are well informed about the contents and topics discussed in your event, they will be better prepared to effectively communicate your message to the audience and respond to unforeseen situations.

Provide in advance the documentation or audiovisual materials

For this reason, it is vital for effective communication during your conference that event planners provide in advance to the interpretation company the documentation or audiovisual materials to be used by the speakers, as well as any technical glossary and particularly the agenda of the conference.

Whenever a speaker plans to read his/her speech, it is extremely important that the interpreters receive a copy at least some minutes before the presentation (if you do not have a version translated into the language of the audience, then a copy in the same language to be used by the speaker will serve as well).

We prefer to have a written copy of the presentation because when speakers take the time to write their speeches in advance, the grammatical structure tends to be much more complex than spontaneous speech. Also, in general, the speaker tends to speak faster, particularly if feeling nervous.

If possible, the interpreters will also appreciate receiving in advance copies of the overhead presentation to be projected during the conference. The reason is that many times the interpretation booth or the table of the interpreters is too far from the projection screen and it is difficult to see the text being projected.

Videos and Documentaries

Simultaneous interpreters usually can make an effort and translate videos or documentaries projected during the conference. Due to the nature of videos and movies, the rhythm of the narration tends to be brisk.

In these cases, to guarantee the best possible results, it is very important that a copy of the script is handed to the interpreters a few minutes before the projection or if a script is not available, then a copy of the video should be provided at least 24 hours in advance.

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