How to Build a Website that Works... and Sells!

          o You still don't have a website for your business?
          o Your site never shows up on search engines?
          o Do you have a pretty website that does not sell?

          o Do you have a horrible website?

          o Here is our secret!

You still don't have a website for your business?

Would you like to know how to build a website that really sells?

If you have a good real-world business, then you are an excellent candidate for an internet business. And if your finances are hurting a little right now, then maybe this is the perfect time to make your first move online and extend your operations beyond your physical boundaries.

How to build a website that works

But you don't need just any website! You need an excellent website, because honestly you don't have any spare time and cash to waste on failed ventures.

Anyone can offer you a presence online. There are as many web-hosting, web-designing and web-building companies out there as you can think of. However, can they really put your company on the cyber map? Can they really bring you any customers?

We know how to build a website that works! Why? Because we have already done it for ourselves. You found us... didn't you?

And this is precisely how your customers are going to find your website once you decide to follow our advice.

Your site never shows up on search engines?

Maybe you need to know how to build a website that works? The Internet is a big wide world! It is filled with websites that offer just about everything you can imagine and being found through search engines is not an easy task.

Look at your website's ranking with Alexa. If you are within the first 2 million sites, you probably don't need to be reading this page. However, if you are higher than that (and have been for a while), then you might be needing some help.

Horrible website

No one truly knows what search engines are looking for. However, we do know what people behind the search engines want... and that is honest information, reliable products and services as well as responsible persons who stand by their promises.

If you are that kind of business person, you should not have a problem being found in the internet... you simply haven't knocked on the right door for help.

We know which is the right door to knock on. Why? Well because we are a real-life, honest, small business just like you. Because we go to work every day hoping to serve and keep our customers during this difficult financial times.

This is why we can tell you how to build a website that can help you attract real customers that are interested in what YOU have to offer.

Do you have a pretty website that does not sell?

Has anyone told you that your website is nice but your pages take a long time to load? Or do customers write asking questions that are right there on your website? or even worst, you almost never receive contacts through your website?

What might be happening is that your site has been built following the brochure logic, a very common mistake among website designers. This refers to a very reduced communication space, mainly graphical, that tries to motivate people to contact you through one of the channels mentioned in there.

However, a website is not a brochure. First of all, if your brochure has very little useful information for visitors, search engines will not index you. Also, if your clients visit your website, they will not obtain satisfactory information about your company or your products and services.

Your website is your sales reprentative. Would you send a sales person that is not very familiar with your company to visit prospective customers? Actually, you send your best sales person, the most knowledgeable about your business. Your website must be the same.

Websites that center on multimedia and not content tend to be slow, so people get tired of waiting and leave... remember they are just a click away from your competitors.

Sites with a lot of animations and photographies produce a good first impression, but sometimes forget to add real content, so once the customers have seen the show, they go somewhere else because you have failed to sell them something.

Websites that focus heavily on design and not content, sometimes offer complex navigation systems that confuse visitors and drive them away when unable to find their way around.

Remember that beautiful is not the oposite of simple. A nice and simple website can do wonders for your business, so make sure you pay more attention to talking and selling to your customers than to displaying the abilities of your webmaster.

Do you have a horrible website?

We have just said that your website should not focus on looks. However, it cannot forget about aesthetics altogether when it comes to internet publishing, since an ugly site also affects the perception of your buyers, even if your content is excellent.

If your site is ugly, don't feel too bad! There are many ugly websites living in cyberspace and they are usually the children of lousy designers or people with good intentions giving their first steps in web design and have simply done their best with the myriad of tools, products and services available in the market.

However, you are not without hope. A website does not need to be stunning to succeed. It just needs the appropriate presentation for the business it is representing. You do not need the best designer to have a presence of the Internet.

Let's consider this website. You find here a clean, pleasant and simple appereance as well as a straighforward navigation system. All of this serves as the framework to deliver to our customers our content proposal, without unnecessary distractions.

This is how we can help you! You can learn how to build a website that is not only attractive and well dressed for the job but that can also help you reach your customers and motivate them to get in touch with you.

Go ahead! keep reading and find out how we can help you publish an excellent website and start attracting customers who are truly interested in what YOU have to offer today!

Here is our secret!

The secret on how to build a website that works is no secret at all, or at least we are going to tell you ours right now. We have relied on a company called Site-Build-It or SBI!

Excellent WebsiteYou can start working with SBI even if you know nothing about how to build a website. They will give you the training, the tools, the tips and everything you need to have a high-ranking website in very little time. It took us only 4 months!CC

The people and companies that have decided to work with SBI have created successful websites and in some cases complete businesses from the ground up, all thanks to the support and commitment provided by this exceptional company.

If you are serious about succeeding on the web, take a good look at what SBI has to offer. Thousands of persons have come to them for help on how to build a website that works and there is no reason why you can't be as successful as they are.

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