Translation from Spanish to English

          o Translation from Spanish and several other languages
          o Languages available for translation
          o Types of document translations
          o How are translations charged?

          o How to request a document translation quotation now!

Translation from Spanish and Several Other Languages

traduccion tecnica de documentosTechnical translation from Spanish to English and viceversa is our main line of work. We have been in business for more than 12 years and we have worked for several customers in many different industries.

We specialize in technical document translation and are experienced in different types of technology documents -- telecommunications, information technologies (IT), networks, etc.

We can also help you with documents on any other business subject, such as legal, accounting, finance, marketing, customer service and more.

Languages available for translation

Our expert translators can translate from several languages into Spanish and viceversa. Some of the languages we offer are: English, French, Portuguese, German, Mandarin and others.

Our translation from Spanish to English and every other combination is personally carried out by professional and experienced translators, not automatically through the use of language translation software. This process assures you that the translated document will maintain unaltered the original sense but working with the wording to produce a pleasant and practical result.

Types of document translations

Bullet  Costa Rican Official Translation or Sworn Translation.
This type of document translation is used mainly for documents that require the recognition of the local government and the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Official translations are usually related to legal documentation and government information.

Official translations can only be delivered in printed form, since they require the original signature of the translator and affixed legal stamps.

Bullet  Private Document Translation.
Used to translate business or personal documents that require a particular format or need to be deliverd in digital form.

This is the type of translation that we use whenever we translate documents for overseas customers, which are delivered by email or in the case of very large files, downloaded through Web.

Bullet  There are no quality differences between Official and Private Translations.

How are translations charged?

According to international practice, translation from Spanish to English or any other language combination is charged according to the number of words contained in the original document, also known as the source document. The word count is done automatically through the aid of the "Word Count" tool in Microsoft Word or other word processing application.

The reason why in our industry translations are charged by the word, is that this system remains unaffected by the size of the fonts, the margins or the format used in the original document. In this manner, the price is always fair for the client as well as for the translator.

Request a Document Translation Quotation Now!

traduccion de documentosTo request a quotation for the translation of your documents, overhead presentations, website or any other type of text, just click here!

You will be presented with a web form where you can enter your contact information as well as some details about the type of document you need to translate.

To obtain an exact price, you should know the number of words contained in your document. To find out, simply use the tools menu in Microsoft Word and the option "Word Count". In Microsoft Power Point, you can use the File menu and the option "Properties", open the "Statistics" tab and the word count will be there.

If your document is available only in print, we determine an average number of words and give you an approximate price (we will quote you a maximum cost). Once the translation is ready, we will charge you according to the resulting number of words (target words).

If you don't know the number of words in your document, then just write "don't know" in the form. We will contact you back with instructions on how to send us your document and we will measure it for you!

View this article in spanishVer "Translation from Spanish to English" en Espaņol

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