Guide and Interpreter Services

          o What is the purpose of interpreter and guide services
          o Avoid costly misunderstandings
          o Techniques used by these interpreter

          o Turn any office or meeting room into a conference center

What is the purpose of Guide and Interpreter services

An interpreter and guide is a professional translator who is available to accompany a person or group of persons to meetings or interviews. The formal name of this service is Escort Interpreting.

Our guide and interpreter services are a communication solution developed especially for business travelers. We provide professional translators and interpreters to help individuals and groups communicate and move around Costa Rica.

Guide and interpreter

Costa Rica is a not only a great tourist destination, it is also a busy business place. Foreigners are constantly coming to Costa Rica on business. Consultants working with large and small companies, investors looking for real estate opportunities and sales representatives searching for distributors for their products are regularly visiting our country.

Avoid costly misunderstandings

Good and clear communication is essential in business. So whether you visit Costa Rica or travel to other countries to trade fairs, as part of trade missions or for business visits, our Communication Assistance service will allow you to increase the efficiency of your meetings and take maximum advantage of your travel investment.

Our communication specialists are familiar with the language and vocabulary used in different industries and global trade in general. They also know the knick-knacks of public transportation and airports, as well as the culture and the mindset of people from different countries.

Techniques used by the guide and interpreter 

Liaison interpreting is a type of verbal translation in which the message is communicated to the interpreter so that he/she can relay it to another person or to a group of persons.

This type of interpretation is similar to consecutive interpretation, the main difference is that in the case of liason interpreting, the message is first addressed to the interpreter (i.e.: "ask him what are his salary expectations") and the resulting interpretation is expressed in the third person (i.e.: "he would like to know what are your salary expectations").

There again, in consecutive interpretation the message is addressed to the general audience and the resulting interpretation will be in the first person, in other words, the interpreter will render the message as if he/she were speaking himself/herself.

No equipment is used in liason interpreting. When an explanation or longer message is expressed, it can be rendered through chuchotage or whispering. However, it is more common to listen to a few phrases or senteces before rendering the interpretation.

Turn any office or meeting room into a conference center

We use portable simultaneous translation equipment which allows us to transform any office, meeting room or cubicle practically into a conference center to make your business conversations or interview completely transparent and efficient.

Even for personal business such as visits to medical centers, appointments with legal advisors or service negotiations, our Communication Assistance may help you speed-up the process and avoid unpleasant and costly misunderstandings.

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