Simultaneous Interpretation Definition

          o What is simultaneous interpretation?
          o Involves highly-skilled and educated professionals
          o Communicate transparently and in real time
          o Three basic pillars of communication
          o What type of event can use simultaneous interpretation?

What is Simultaneous Interpretation?

Interpretation Definition according to the "Merriam Webster" Dictionary:

|inˌtərpriˈtā sh ən| noun the act or result of interpreting.

• to explain or tell the meaning of : present in understandable terms <interpret dreams> <needed help interpreting the results>.
• to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgment, or circumstance : construe <interpret a contract>
• to represent by means of art : bring to realization by performance or direction <interprets a role>
intransitive verb : to act as an interpreter between speakers of different languages

Interpreter wearing headset

Involves Highly-Skilled and Educated Professionals

Simultaneous Interpretation (also referred to as simultaneous translation, however as we can see from the interpretation definition it is better use the first) is a complex and difficult task that demands great skill to communicate the expressed message from one language to another.

With the assistance of special equipment, the interpreter listens to the speaker express the original message (source language) and immediately renders the translation in the language required by the audience (target language), sometimes with just a word of delay.

This work demands a big mental effort and for this reason simultaneous translators usually work in pairs and switch every 20 minutes or so. Upon decision of our company, and depending on special circumstances, we might assign only one person to your event.

Communicate Transparently and In Real Time

Our communication services permit absolutely transparent and real-time communication between the speaker and the audience or between work groups, effectively overcoming the language barrier.

Simultaneous interpretation certainly represents an additional cost in the organization of your event. However, a fluid communication and an effective transmission of your message to the audience can only be achieved through the aid of experienced and professional services.

Although we take care of every detail related to the communication services, it is very important that the organizers of the event are aware of the unique requirements of a multi-cultural event, in order to be prepared for any special situation.

At Communica we have 12 years of experience in planning and organizing events that involve multiple nationalities. We can help you make your international event a big success!

Three Basic Pillars of Communication

Effective communication during your international event requires a balance between three basic pillars, the speaker, the interpreter and the audience.

An experienced speaker will leverage on the translation services and use them to his/her advantage to break the ice, improve the rhythm of the presentation and revitalize the event at critical points.

What type of event can use simultaneous interpretation?

With the current availability of light and portable simultaneous translation equipment, it is now very easy to take advantage of simultaneous translation services for almost any kind of event.

From large conferences down to small meetings and outdoor tours, it is easy and affordable to have professional interpreters contributing to facilitate international communications.

So, whether you are planning a massive event for 500 persons, or a small workshop for 5, you can leverage the advantages of communicating transparently notwithstanding the languages or cultures involved.

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