Professional Sound Services

          o Everything in sound systems for your conference
          o Is it necessary to use sound equipment
          o What is the role of the sound equipment?

          o More audio related equipment
          o Sound systems and simultaneous interpretation
          o Basic aspects for the use of sound amplification

Everything in Sound Systems for your Conference

Professional Sound Services during your event or conference can greatly improve the interaction between your speaker and the audience, additionally they can provide you with advice on the best way to use audiovisual materials during your meeting.

Is it Necessary to Use Sound Equipment?

Professional sound systemThe sound equipment for your event consists of microphones and speakers for the amplification of sound in the room.

If your event takes place in a small room, well isolated and with very few participants (such as a classroom), you may be able to do well without it.

However, if the room is large, if the speaker talks very low, if you expect the participation of more than 25 persons or if there is a lot of environmental noise, it is better to use the sound system.

What is the Role of the Sound Equipment?

The basic objective of professional sound services is to "amplify" the voice of the person that is speaking (or the music or sound that needs to be transmitted) to make it easily audible to all the persons present in a meeting room, conference center or event room.

The sound amplification is achieved through the use of microphones (lavalier, wireless, cabled or conference systems), which send their signal to a mixer. The size of the mixer depends on the number of "inputs" (that is microphones or sources of sound) expected during the event.

The mixer allows the operating technician to adjust the volume and characteristics of each sound input, mix the signals and resent them to the amplified speakers that fill the room with sound.

The importance of the sound equipment and the advice that the professional sound services can provide during your event are resources that event planners must leverage to the max to avoid audio atrocities.

More Audio Related Equipment

Today, it is a general practice to use multimedia and audiovisual aids. Very rarely we see a conference that does not include the use of a "power point" presentation, video, a demo using live Internet connection, a video-conference, etc.

Due the important interaction established between the sound system and other audivisual media (including simultaneous interpretation services), it is very important that event planners consider the use of only one professional sound services company, or at least facilitate a very good coordination between all the suppliers.

Audio companies usually offer within their services microphone rental of every kind, projection screens, LCD displays, projectors with different characteristics, laptop and desktop computers, videotaping, closed circuit television, audio recording, laser pointers, remote controls for computers, virtual voting systems, conference microphone systems, and of course, experienced technicians for setup and operation.

As part of our event organization services, we provide advice on the sound systems that better address your needs and will also contact the best suppliers to make your conference a big success.

Sound Systems and Simultaneous Interpretation

For a good simultaneous interpretation, it is essential to have good professional sound services.

Person using the microphone

Basically, interpreters can only translate what can be heard through the amplification system.

The interpretation equipment connects directly to the mixer that sends the sound signal to the speakers. This way, everything said or transmitted using the sound amplification equipment is captured through the earphones worn by the interpreters.

In some cases, when the interpreter isolation booth is not being used, the interpreters are capable of translating a question or comment said outloud. However, inside of the booth, it is not possible to hear any dialog that takes place without the use of a microphone.

Due to the great concentration required to perform a simultaneous interpretation, it is very important that the sound is very clear, clean and reliable. Feedback, noise or "rain" in the signal, excessive brightness, etc. although may go unnoticed through the speakers, can be very uncomfortable and debilitating for the interpreters.

Basic Aspects for the Use of Sound Amplification

It is important to promote the participation of the audience. Not everyone is used to speaking in public using a microphone, so the use of any technique to "break the ice" could be of great help to energize your event.

We recommend you have available during your conference at least one wireless microphone for every 40 participants, in this way the audience can ask questions and make comments. It is also possible to use wired microphones placed in strategic areas.

It is very important to assign a person to pass the wireless microphones around the audience to help questions and comments flow without setbacks.

If you do not have staff available, we can provide you with hosts and hostesses to carry out this task as well as others during the event.

For your convenience, our rental fee for simultaneous interpretation equipment includes the system necessary to bring the sound to the headphones of the interpreters (not sound for the audience).

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