Importance of Communication

          o Translation services during your international conference
          o Advice for events using simultaneous translation
          o All the services for the success of your international event

Translation Services during Your International Conference

The importance of communication during an international event is something than needs to be considered seriously by conference planners and organizers.

When you are planning a business affair that includes the interaction of different languages and cultures, the safest way to go is to hire a professional interpretation company. An experienced interpretation business can provide you with useful advice for your speakers, experienced simulaneous interpreters, high-quality interpretation equipmentand much more.

Advice for Events Using Simultaneous Translation

Always keep In mind the importance of communication during international conferences. If your event requires simultaneous translation services, we advice you to follow some of the recommendations below to help you maximize the results, both for the translators or interpreters, as well as for the audience and the organizers.

bullet It is very practical to have at least one person exclusively dedicated to handing wireless microphones to the audience during question and answer sessions. For the interpreters it is practically impossible to translate anything that cannot be heard through the available sound system.

bullet To avoid any confussion about our services, the prices we offer include only the services detailed in the quotation. If you require additional services, please let us know and we will add them to our price.

bullet Unless specified in our quotation, simultaneous interpretation services do not include the rental of the isolation booth.

All the Services for The Success of Your International Event

bullet For your convenience, our price includes the installation of all the necessary equipment to carry out a proper simultaneous interpretation, however it does not include the sound system required for amplification.

bullet Communica can provide you with all the necessary equipment for sound amplification. However, if you prefer to hire your sound from a different company, we will need to connect to their equipment to provide sound to the interpreters.

bullet Our simultaneous interpretation equipment is provided to your company as a rental. For this reason, your company will be responsible for missing or damaged receivers at the end of the conference.

bullet If possible, hand out simultaneous interpretation receivers to the participants in exchange for some type of photo ID. If you do not wish to request identifications, please coordinate an alternate method with our company.

bullet Due to the importance of communication, our interpretation services will require a specific area in the conference room for the interpreters and their equipment, with the following characteristics: Good visibility of the area where the speaker and the projection screen will be located, low traffic during the event, no obstacles for a good signal transmission, two chairs for the interpreters, an electric outlet closeby, as close as possible to the sound mixer, and if possible a dais to provide a better view of the podium.

bullet If you are using an isolation booth, it will be placed in the area designated for the interpreters and it will contain all the equipment. If the booth will not be used during your event, then a long table should be placed in this area.

bullet We wish to communicate effectively your message and for this purpose it is very important to receive in advance documentation and materials used by the speakers, as well as any glossary you may have available or prepared for the occassion.

bullet Whenever one of the speakers during your conference, plans to read his/her presentation, we will need a copy of the speech, either in the same language that will be used by the speaker, or if available, in the target language of the conference.

bullet We will gladly interpret videos or documentaries projected during your conference, however, to improve the results of the interpretation, we will require the script in advance or a copy of the video to preview and study.

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Read related articles Read related articles:
bullet  Our complete list of services
bullet  What is simultaneous interpretation?
bullet  Professional sound services for your conference
bullet  What is the simultaneous interpretation equipment
bullet  Materials for interpreters
bullet  Advice for professional conference speakers

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